A nice entry

This is NekoMata – a cat that lives long enough to grow 24 whiskers. Nekomata is also a Yokai, an animal spirit in Japan. In the Japanese cult game Neko Atsume, NekoMata appears as a white double-tailed magic “rare” cat. In the game,  a new word or expression magically appears every day at midnight Tokyo time (14:00 GMT). These words are linked to the Japanese everyday life – rituals, food, festivals, seasons, plants – or just words from our surroundings.

It is Nekomata who generates these magic words. If you install the Japanese version of Neko Atsume –> you will get Japanese words. Reading and writing these words is the easiest way to learn Japanese. In this blog NekoMata explains what the words mean, how to write them and adds some background for understanding and memorising.

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